Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The power of forgiveness is real.  Like anyone else, you could make a mistake.  You may have done something or said something you wish you could take back.  Sometimes what we say or do may have a devastating effect on us or someone else.  Beating yourself up about a mistake for 20 years is not a diva move.  Let me tell you something girl.  The energy and work that it takes to have a successful, happy life is enough.  We don’t need another thing to make life any more difficult or complicated than it needs to be. 

So how do you go about getting rid of this weight that makes you sad?  Oh, there are a number of things you can do.  I’ve listed a few below.  Hopefully something on my list will work for you.  But by all means, whatever it is.  LET IT GO!

1.     Pray about it, prayer changes things.
2.     Speak to a friend or a sister about it, perhaps they can provide guidance.
3.     Speak to a therapist.  Sometimes just speaking to someone about it frees your soul.
4.     Journal about it and burn the book – It’s gone forever.
5.     Choose to use that problem as rocket fuel, to move you to a better place.
6.     If you think your situation is bad, trust me there are people in worse shape.  Volunteer at a woman’s home. 
7.     Thank God you are still alive and mentally move on to a better place.

Whatever you have done that you think is unforgivable, it isn’t.  You're alive and therefore given another chance to live well.  Forgive yourself.  Next time, think it through, learn from your mistakes, make better choices and Diva, enjoy your life – you only get one.

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