Sunday, August 21, 2016

We live our life in natural stages.  After high school, we might gravitate towards college, some girls went straight into the work force while others got married.  There are a thousand scenarios and then combinations of those scenarios.  But after high school, we assumed our new position in life.  As we moved forward in life, we chose our path.  In some cases, our path chose us like in my case. I thought I was going to be a banker, but after having children, I was very interested in their education and the field of education became my career for a number of years and still is my love today. 

What is important in life, regardless of our life choices after high school is that we grow, develop and become well rounded individuals.  What is important is that we are able to take care of ourselves and our children.  What is really important is that we hope for the best, but plan for the worst.  We can’t control everything but preparedness is paramount.  So regardless of where you are in your life right now a one year plan and even five year plan is absolutely essential.  We have all heard the saying, “If you don’t plan, you plan to fail”.  Life rarely ends like a fairy tale.  Fairy tales and illusions have one thing in common – they are both not real.  Don’t live your life with one foot on Fantasy Island.  You will get out of life exactly what you put in it.  There are no get rich schemes that work.  So as you plan for your future, I hope you include going back to school.  Preparation is paramount, not to say that you cannot learn informally by reading etc. but let’s face it, in America you need that degree to get that high power job in most cases.  The higher the degree the higher the salary on average.  Shoot for the stars girl.

I know college is expensive but so is life.  Don’t have difficulty investing in yourself, the investment of a college education will pay for itself.  At the end of the day, we are all going to have to work hard to keep our jobs and be successful.  You’re going to have to work hard if you’re making ten dollars an hour or eighty dollars an hour.  The latter just seems like a wiser decision, no?  Think about what you can do for yourself and your family if you were in a higher salary bracket, then plan to and get there.  Once you sharpen that brain Diva, you will be amazed at the numerous ways you can use your knowledge and education to help yourself and others.  The first step is always the hardest, but I challenge you to get started.  Start your research into good schools with the academic program that will meet your career goal needs.  Hey, when you get that doctorates, I want to hear about it – call me boo!

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