Tuesday, August 30, 2016

And so, today I’ve made the commitment to consistently add exercise into my lifestyle.  I’ve done a little here or there in the past, but I’ve just made a commitment to good health and this is part of my plan.   I was thinking the fall is a wonderful time to start, it’s a good season for a stroll in the park or a walk around the track.  I’m a beginner in this game, not quite ready for a 5K, but I’m excited to be on my way.  Life is a journey and it’s really nice once in a while when you know you have it right. 

I was thinking that I would start out with a half hour walk, three times a week and work my way up from there.  And at some point, I’ll add a full workout to my exercise regime.  It’s never too late to start something new, especially when that thing will improve your health. 

I’m sure there are “Diva’s on the move” out there.  So, what do you think?  Are there any good work out strategies for a newbie?  Do you work out?  What is your regime?  If you are working out for like, three hours a day or something, you are my hero but I’m not there yet - be gentle.  I’m getting ready to bus a diva move though, so excited!!!! 

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