Sunday, October 1, 2017

Follow your dreams.  It’s so easy sometimes to put what you really want to do on the back burner.  Either because life happens or the expense of it all.  Just because you may have to pursue a job that pays the bills for now, doesn’t mean you can’t pursue what your heart desires.

You can:

Do some research online regarding the career path or business.
Go to a seminar, take a class or pursue a degree.
Speak to people doing what you want to do.
Buy a book or two on the subject.
Start to dabble a little bit on the side. 

Say for example you would like to start a bed & breakfast, stay overnight and take good notes.  You’ll observe some good things and certainly some not so good things to avoid.  Get information on what it would cost to run a bed & breakfast.  How many rooms would you like to have?  Organize the information you obtain as you pursue your goal.  Before you know it, you will be saving towards your goal and devising a plan to accomplish it. 

Whatever it is that your heart desires, don’t ever let it go.  Whatever makes you happy is worth doing.  I’m not saying quit your job and follow your dreams.  That would be a personal choice.  I wouldn’t suggest quitting your job because I wouldn’t personally do it myself.  Bills must get paid and we have to be responsible.  I am saying though that you can do something on the side that will lead you closer to the goal.

There are no do overs in life so don’t waste a moment.  This is as good a time as any to follow your dreams and make it happen.  Good luck on your life journey…

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